Thursday, February 11, 2010


Baby #2! Just had blood work and an ultra sound and everything looks great. I am almost 10 weeks along, and miserable as I guess I should be for the 1st trimester. Hopefully the next couple weeks moving into the second trimester will bring better things for me!:-) Well here is our little little one, think its a boy or a girl? Oh due date was first given to me by the Dr as Sept 10th but the ultra sound lady says Sept 15th, so we'll just have to see I guess!


Alisa said...

Wow! Congrats Julene & Ryan!

Mary Millward said...

Congrats, I'm guessing it's another Girl and she'll arrive Sept, 12th.

sethandlacey said...

Yay!!! Congrats, hope you are feeling better!!!