Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We Love You Bill

I just wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts about our beloved friend Bill Corkin who passed away last week. He was truly more than just a friend to the Stoianowski's. He was family. Before I moved to Michigan I would constantly hear about evenings at the "side porch", and knew all about these wonderful people Bill and Diana. Then on one of the first days I arrived in Michigan we were invited over and I got to finally meet these people I had heard so much about. I couldn't believe how much love and hospitality I was shown even on the first day. It truly felt like I was meeting some of my new grandparents with hugs and kisses all around. Bill was never truly comfortable when he had people over because he was constantly making sure you had everything you wanted or needed, usually more than you could handle:) Bill was always good for a great big hug and then many laughs whenever you were around him. I couldn't even begin to count the times he told me how beautiful and special I was. Bill and Diana were also incredibly generous and showed it in many ways. For Ryan and I they let us stay in their condo in Marco Island, FL for our honeymoon. It was an incredible experience and we enjoyed the times we spent with them there also. Here are a few pictures from our honeymoon there...

Having us over to their condo for some appetizers and a beautiful sunset.

Dinner at the Marco Inn with the Corkins and the Gordans...what wonderful friends.

Their names down by the beach. Aren't they an adorable couple:)

They were just too cute. Bill made every lady feel special, especially his love Diana.

I took a set of pictures of Lorilyn in this golf outfit in the golf baby shoes Bill and Diana gave her. LJ only got to meet him a couple times but he loved having her around and saying PEEAANUT! She loved her Grandpa Bill, as did all of us. We will miss you Bill until we meet again...we love you.

1 comment:

rad6 said...

ok, I don't even know him and I love him. And this made me teary. So sweet.